PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
COURSE PRF. Platelet Rich Fibrin
In the field of wound healing, PRF has attracted increasing interest among dental surgeons since its publication in 2001 (Choukroun). PRF induces accelerated healing of soft and hard tissues (1350 publications).
The numerous protocols for its use, which must follow precise rules, have been constantly improved.
However, natural healing or healing by FRP requires certain conditions and cannot take place without an adequate performance of the different biological cascades that occur in the cells.
PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
PRF:: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles.
Cost: 795.00$ + tx
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