FormationsClick here to login
Véronique Benhamou
Type: Hands-on and course
Language: FR
City: Montreal
Location: Hotel Renaissance - Salle: Place des Arts
Availabilities: 1. Start date: 4/25/25, 12:00 PM | End date: 4/25/25, 9:00 PM
2. Start date: 4/26/25, 12:00 PM | End date: 4/26/25, 5:00 PM
Extraction atraumatique avec préservation de la crête
Véronique Benhamou
Type: Hands-on and course
Language: FR
City: Montreal
Location: Journée Dentaires - Palais des congrès
Availabilities: 1. Start date: 5/31/25, 8:00 AM | End date: 5/31/25, 5:00 PM
La préservation de crête alvéolaire : le point de départ vers l’implantologie
Dr Simon Lafrenière, Dre Anne-Sophie Villeneuve
Type: Hands-on and course
Language: FR
City: Montreal
Availabilities: 1. Start date: 6/1/25, 8:30 AM | End date: 6/1/25, 3:30 PM
Cours PRF et Ostéo-immunologie
Joseph Choukroun
Type: Conference
Language: FR
City: Quebec
Location: Institut Campus
Description COURS PRF et Ostéo-immunologie - Québec - 21 Aout 2025 L’usage des facteurs de croissance sanguins et du PRF sont aujourd’hui liés à une évidence scientifique : Leur action cicatrisante sur les tissu mous et...
Availabilities: 1. Start date: 8/21/25, 8:00 AM | End date: 8/21/25, 5:00 PM
PRF in Aesthetics, Plastic Surgery and Dermatology
Joseph Choukroun
Type: On-line
Language: EN
Location: Online
Description PRF IN AESTHETICS, PLASTIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY Explore the art and science of PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) applied to the field of aesthetics with this exclusive online training, led by renowned pain medicine expert Dr....
PRF in orthopedics and sport medecine
Joseph Choukroun
Type: On-line
Language: EN
Description PRF IN ORTHOPEDICS AND SPORTS MEDICINE Immerse yourself in the orthopedic applications of PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) with this dedicated online training course, led by pain medicine specialist Dr Joseph Choukroun. For 75...
Course PRF Platelet Rich Fibrin
Joseph Choukroun
Type: On-line
Language: EN-FR
Location: Online
Description COURSE PRF. Platelet Rich Fibrin PLAN DU COURS PRF: Définition, mode d’action, protocoles. In the field of wound healing, PRF has attracted increasing interest among dental surgeons since its publication in 2001...
Total: 7