Dr. Choukroun studied medicine in Montpellier, spent five years as a surgeon, then as an anesthesiologist, then as a pain specialist. With the help of Dr. Schleicher, he proposed the first PRF protocol. In 2003, he organized the first SYFAC. He is a tireless lecturer throughout the world and the author of numerous articles in the most prestigious journals.
- Diploma: Medicine 1979. University of Montpellier, France
- Anestesiology 1981. University of Montpellier, France
- Study of Management of Pain 1986. University of Strasbourg, France
- Chief of Staff: Pain therapy Center, Nice, FRANCE
- Inventor of the PRF® technique. “Platelet Rich Fibrin” (autologous platelet growths factors)
- President of the Syfac congress: International Symposium on Growth Factors